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Companies UK Companies in the state of Cornwall
Cataloxy Redruth...Companies in RedruthMetals, Machinery & EngineeringIndustrial subcontractorsWelding services for metal partsDavid Paul C N C Engineering Ltd - Private Limited

David Paul C N C Engineering Ltd


Precision Subcontract Engineering

DP Engineering is a precision sub-contract engineering firm established in 1952 providing quality machined parts for the marine, aerospace, defence, oil & gas, pneumatics, medical and leisure & tourism sectors.The company is comprehensively equipped to operate and service all industry where high quality engineering products are sought, whether on a large or small scale - where high standards of manufacture, service and delivery are critical.
At DP Engineering we take great pride in the high quality of the bespoke, precision engineering service we are able to offer. It has always been a fundamental philosophy of the company to offer a tailored, state-of-the-art engineering service where precision and quality is paramount.
"Hydro-Lek Ltd have been using DP Engineering for a number of years and have always found the quality of their products and service to be excellent. "
Welding services, metal, electric
Welding services, metal, fire
Welding services, metal, oxyacetylene
Welding services, metal, friction (FRW)
Welding services, metal, spot
Welding services, metal, arc
Welding services, metal, arc, inert gas shielded
Welding services, metal, laser beam
Welding services, metal, stud
Welding services, metal, seam
Welding services, metal, electron beam (EBW)
Welding services, metal, orbital
Welding services, metal, hard facing

Don't forget that the most detailed information about David Paul C N C Engineering Ltd in Redruth you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Reg. Number: 05735437
Company size: 1-10 employees

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: Jon Davey Drive, (Unit 1 Treleigh Industrial Estate)
TR16 4, Redruth, Cornwall

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grinding, cnc subcontract, milling, citizen, machining capacity, cnc manufacture, engineering cornwall, turning, cnc machining
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