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search in city: Cornwall
Search conditions: city Truro, field of activity Metals, Machinery & Engineering
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Companies UK Companies in the state of Cornwall
Cataloxy Truro...Companies in TruroMetals, Machinery & Engineering in Truro

Metals, Machinery & Engineering in Truro

8 companies founded

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Geoquip Marine

Offshore Marine Services, Drilling Equipment and Vessels , Geoquip Marine
General rating: 5
Recommend: 2
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G T Jones & Co.

G.T. Jones and Co - Engineering for the Pumping, Mining and Extractive Industries. centrifuges,centrifuge,bowl,centrifuge...
General rating: 3Send messageOn the map

M T L Fabrications

Mtl fabrications is based in pool redruth cornwall, fabricating boat trailers and parts, gate, railings and fencing.
General rating: 4Send messageOn the map

Colin Gladwell Machine Tools

Colin Gladwell Machine Tools , New and Used Machine Tool Suppliers, Cornwall
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Dolphin Engines

Dolphin Engines - British made marine auxiliary two stroke engine for leisure and racing yachts. Servicing, parts and manuals for Dolphin engines
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Grahams Garden Machinery

Grahams Garden Machinery is a Cornish family run business specialising in all types of domestic and professional garden equipment, who have been...
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Giltsharp Cornwall

Sharpening services for saws Regrinding, sharpening and re-tipping services for drill bits, form tools and milling cutters
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P W Knight

Forging services, iron Conventional turning services, vertical, for metals Drilling services, metal, precision Assembly services, metal Metallurgy...
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