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search in city: Cornwall
Search conditions: city Redruth, field of activity Precious stoneworking, watchmaking and jewellery
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Companies UK Companies in the state of Cornwall
Cataloxy Redruth...Companies in RedruthTextiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, JewelleryPrecious stoneworking, watchmaking and jewellery in Redruth

Precious stoneworking, watchmaking and jewellery in Redruth

3 companies founded

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Manufacturers of luxury spa systems for the marine & leisure industry
General rating: 4,5Send messageOn the map

Cornwall Trophies

Buy trophies, medals and awards online for every sport or occasion. Huge range of engraved products to buy online now.
General rating: 5
Recommend: 1
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H & H Jewellers Displays Ltd

H & H Jewellers Displays Ltd - Private Limited
H&H Jewellers Displays Ltd. –
General rating: 2,5Send messageOn the map

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