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search in city: Cornwall
Search conditions: city Redruth, field of activity Fuels and petroleum based products
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Companies UK Companies in the state of Cornwall
Cataloxy Redruth...Companies in RedruthChemicals, Pharmaceuticals & PlasticsChemical base materialsFuels and petroleum based products in Redruth

Fuels and petroleum based products in Redruth

3 companies founded

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Opie Oils

Delivering heating oil throughout mid and west Cornwall since 1925, we're also keeping Cornwall warm by servicing and installing oil fired boilers...
General rating: 4,8
Recommend: 2
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Mitchell & Webber

Mitchell & Webber - Private Limited
Mitchell & Webber , Fuel Distribution in Cornwall & Devon
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Consols Oils

Consols Oils - Heating Oil (Kerosene) , Red diesel (gas oil) , Lubricants
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